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- April 25: Weather permitting, all utilities on and shower houses open, RV park open. Cottages are open year-round.
- May 2: Shores lodge opens.
- May 3, 8:30am: Crane-in from cradles or trailers. All boats on cradles will go in. Email Mitch to be added to lift list - Email Mitch Crane Checklist Crane Ettiquette
- May 10, 8:30am: Crane-in from trailers only. Email Mitch to be added to lift list - Email Mitch Crane Checklist Crane Ettiquette
- May 11: Walley Fishing Opener.
- Wed, May 14: Walker Rotary Stem and Stein
- May 17, 8:30am: Crane-in from trailers only. Email Mitch to be added to lift list - Email Mitch Crane Checklist Crane Ettiquette
- Sat, May 24, 9am, Lodge: LLR54 planning meeing.
- Sat, May 24, 6pm, Patio: Shores Potluck.
- May 30-31: Leech Lake Walleye Tournament
- The resort has canoes and kayaks free for customer use.
- The resort has bicycles (limited number) free for customer use.

- Horseback Riding near Pine River
- Tianna Golf Course
- Long Bow Golf Course
- Leech Lake Area Events
- Longville Area Events
- Hackensack Area Events